|project_name| provides a `Gymnasium `_
environment for multi-agent reinforcement learning of *ethically-aligned*
behaviours, i.e., behaviours that take into account ethical considerations.
The environment is available as a Python package, and follows the Gymnasium API
as close as possible, such that it can be used with any Gymnasium-compliant
learning algorithm with little to no modification.
To use this simulator, you may either:
* clone the repository: ``git clone``
* or install the package from PyPi: ``pip install ethical-smart-grid``
Cloning is the recommended way to get the up-to-date version, and is easier if
you intend to implement new algorithms and/or extend the simulator.
Cloning also allows you to refer to data files by relative paths, whereas
downloading the package from PyPi requires to refer to data files as package
Running a simulation
The environment is designed to allow various *scenarii* and to be highly
configurable and extensible.
To simplify the creation of a basic environment, the method
:py:meth:`smartgrid.make_basic_smartgrid() `
is made available.
This method is also used to register the Smart Grid environment with Gymnasium,
using the :py:func:`gym.make() ` method.
To create an environment, type in a Python console:
.. code-block:: Python
from smartgrid import make_basic_smartgrid
env = make_basic_smartgrid()
Or, equivalently:
.. code-block:: Python
import gymnasium as gym
import smartgrid
env = gym.make('EthicalSmartGrid-v0')
Then, the environment can be used through the standard *interaction loop*:
.. code-block:: Python
done = False
obs = env.reset()
while not done:
# Replace the `actions` array with your own learning algorithm here
actions = [
for agent in env.agents
obs, reward_n, terminated_n, truncated_n, info_n = env.step(actions)
done = all(terminated_n) or all(truncated_n)
In order to fully customize the environment setup, e.g., to control the
number and profiles of agents, the available energy in the world, the reward
function, etc., please refer to the :doc:`custom_scenario` documentation page.
The environment can also be extended to add your own components or replace
existing ones; please refer to :doc:`/extending/index` to do so.