This module defines Self-Organizing Maps, also known as Kohonen Maps.
This is inspired by the MiniSom and the Sompy implementations.
In particular, the training must be an online process in this version,
because the input data is discovered as the Agent interacts with the
import numpy as np
def fast_norm(vector):
return np.sqrt(np.dot(vector, vector.T))
class SOM(object):
def __init__(self,
dimx, dimy,
Create a new Self-Organizing Map, with a rectangular shape.
:param dimx: The X-dimension of the map.
:param dimy: The Y-dimension of the map.
:param unit_len: Size of the vector associated to each unit.
:param sigma: Size of the neighborhood.
:param learning_rate: Initial learning rate.
:param init: Method to initialize the neurons' units (vectors).
Either 'random' (uniform distribution in `[0,1)`), or `zero`
(all values are set to 0s).
# Shape
self.dimx = dimx
self.dimy = dimy
self.unit_len = unit_len
self.shape = (dimx, dimy)
# Accelerates the computation of coordinates later
self.nb_units = dimx * dimy
self.neigx = np.arange(dimx)
self.neigy = np.arange(dimy)
# Each neuron is given a unique identifier and its (x,y) coordinates.
# `coords_map` makes the mapping between identifiers and coordinates,
# e.g., neuron #0 has coordinates `coords_map[0] = (0,0)`, neuron #1
# has coordinates (0,1), etc.
self.coords_map = [(i // dimy, i % dimy) for i in range(dimx * dimy)]
# Parameters
self.initial_sigma = sigma
self.initial_lr = learning_rate
# Weights of the map (dimx * dimy vectors of unit_len values)
if init == 'zero':
self.units = np.zeros((dimx, dimy, unit_len))
elif init == 'random':
self.units = np.random.rand(dimx, dimy, unit_len)
raise Exception(f'Unrecognized `init` argument: {init}')
# Iteration step, used to compute the decay
self.step = 0
# Keep track of the quantization error
self.error = []
# Keep track of how many steps each unit is the Best Matching Unit (BMU)
self.bmu_count = np.zeros(self.shape).astype(int)
def compute_winner_node(self, data):
Compute the Best Matching Unit to the input vector `data`.
The Best Matching Unit is the closest neuron to data, i.e., the
one with the lower activation (a bit misleading).
:param data: The input vector, a NumPy array of same size as #input_len.
:return: The closest neuron's identifier (
activation_map = self._compute_activation_map(data)
bmu = np.argmin(activation_map)
self.bmu_count[self.coords_map[bmu]] += 1
return bmu
def update(self, data, winner):
Update the SOM towards a pattern to learn, given a winner node.
Every node in the map is updated, based on the neighborhood
function (relative distance to the winner node).
:param data: The pattern to learn, i.e., a vector of weights (of same
shape as #input_len).
:param winner: The index of the winner node, i.e., the closest node.
# The update formula is:
# u_m = u_m + λ*φ(k,m,N)(u_k' - u_m)
# Where:
# - u_m is each action unit (indexed by m)
# - λ is the learning rate
# - φ is the neighborhood function
# - k is the index of the winner node (center of neighborhood)
# - N is the size of the neighborhood
# - u_k' is the data to learn
lr = self.learning_rate
neighborhood = self.neighborhood(winner) * lr # <=> λ*φ(k,...)
unit_winner = self.get_unit(winner)
for x, y in np.ndindex(self.shape):
psi = neighborhood[x, y] # <=> λ*φ(k,m,N) with m=[x,y], k=winner
self.units[x, y] += (psi * (data - self.units[x, y]))
self.error.append(fast_norm(data - unit_winner))
self.step += 1
def get_unit(self, idx):
"""Return the weights of a neuron, identified by its index `idx`."""
return self.units[self.coords_map[idx]]
def neighborhood(self, center):
Compute the neighborhood matrix for all nodes.
:param center: The index of the center neuron in this neighborhood.
:return: A matrix in which an element, indexed by (i,j), is the
distance of the neuron with coordinates (i,j) to the center neuron
(weighted by the size of the neighborhood).
center = self.coords_map[center]
return self._gaussian(center, self.sigma)
def _compute_activation_map(self, data):
Compute the matrix in which an element (i,j) is the response of the
neuron with coordinates (i,j) to the vector data.
The lower the activation, the closest the neuron is to data.
data = np.asarray(data)
sub = np.subtract(data, self.units) # x - w
# https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.nditer.html
activation_map = np.zeros(self.shape)
it = np.nditer(activation_map, flags=['multi_index'])
while not it.finished:
# || x - w ||
activation_map[it.multi_index] = fast_norm(sub[it.multi_index])
return activation_map
def _decay(self, value, step):
Decay a value based on the time step.
To allow for long-term adaptation, we simply return the value without
return value
# return value / 2 ** (step // 1000)
def _gaussian(self, center, sigma):
"""Return a matrix of gaussian distances."""
d = 2 * np.pi * sigma * sigma
ax = np.exp(-np.power(self.neigx - center[0], 2) / d)
ay = np.exp(-np.power(self.neigy - center[1], 2) / d)
return np.outer(ax, ay) # the external product gives a matrix
def quantization_error(self):
"""Return the mean error of the map."""
return sum(self.error) / (len(self.error) + 10E-300)
def sigma(self):
return self._decay(self.initial_sigma, self.step)
def learning_rate(self):
return self._decay(self.initial_lr, self.step)