Base classes to simplify definition of Observations.
import abc
import dataclasses
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any
import numpy as np
from gymnasium.spaces import Space, Box
class BaseObservation:
Base class for defining any kind of Observation (global, local, "total").
Observations are information that agents receive about the environment.
They describe the current state of the environment through various metrics,
and are used to take decisions (actions).
This class, although being a dataclass, does not define any attribute.
Instead, it defines several helper methods, to avoid duplicating them
in the various Observations classes:
- :py:meth:`~smartgrid.observation.base_observation.BaseObservation.fields`,
which lists the fields that an Observation class possesses.
- :py:meth:`~smartgrid.observation.base_observation.BaseObservation.asdict`,
which returns a dictionary representation of an Observation.
- :py:meth:`~smartgrid.observation.base_observation.BaseObservation.space`,
which returns the :py:class:`~gymnasium.spaces.Space` in which
Observations live (i.e., which values they can take).
- a magic method that allows to easily create NumPy arrays by using the
standard :py:func:`numpy.asarray` method, such as: ``np.asarray(obs)``.
Classes that extend this BaseObservation can thus be used either:
- in a user-friendly manner, as a dataclass, by accessing the fields by
their names, getting the fields names;
- or in a programmatic manner, by converting them to NumPy arrays, which
are commonly used in learning algorithms, as inputs of neural networks
def fields(cls) -> Tuple[str]:
Returns the names of fields that compose an Observation.
Fields can be excluded by setting the metadata ``include`` custom
property to ``False``, such as:
``my_field: Any = field(metadata={'include': False})``.
:param cls: Either the class itself, or an instance of the class; this
method supports both. In other words, it can be used as
``Observation.fields()``, or ``obs = Observation(...); obs.fields()``.
:return: The fields' names as a tuple, in their order of definition.
fields = dataclasses.fields(cls)
# `fields` is a tuple of `Field` objects, we only want their names.
fields = tuple(
for field in fields
if field.metadata.get('include', True)
return fields
def asdict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Return the Observation as a dictionary.
Fields can be excluded by setting the metadata ``include`` custom
property to ``False``, such as:
``my_field: Any = field(metadata={'include': False})``.
:param self: An instance of observation.
:return: The observation represented as a dictionary, with the fields'
names as keys and the fields' values as values, in the order of
# Although `asdict` has a `dict_factory` parameter that we could use,
# it would not be a good idea, because it would be used recursively
# for anything contained inside this dataclass. Instead, we get the
# "whole" dictionary.
d = dataclasses.asdict(self)
# Now, we must remove the (potential) elements that should be excluded.
included_fields = self.fields()
return {
key: d[key]
for key in included_fields
if key in d
def space(cls, world: 'World', agent: 'Agent') -> Space:
Describe the space in which Observations take their values.
This method is useful if an algorithm has assumptions or requirements
on the observation space. For example, values can be interpolated,
by knowing their original domain.
We currently use ratios in ``[0, 1]`` for each metric of observations.
This makes it easier for learning algorithms (avoids perceiving a
given dimension as more important than another because of an extended
range). It also means that the ``world`` and ``agent`` parameters do
not influe on the space (they could be ``None``).
In the future, we could use the true ranges from the agent's
:py:class:`~smartgrid.agents.profile.AgentProfile` and let users
convert these observations to ``[0, 1]`` when necessary. This would
provide more useful information, e.g., the actual battery storage
in ``[0, capacity]``, rather than a ratio, or the actual hour in
``[0, 23]`` rather than a value ``(h % 24) / 24``, which is hard to
interpret for human users.
:param world: The :py:class:`~smartgrid.world.World` instance in which
observations will be computed. Currently unused.
:param agent: The :py:class:`~smartgrid.agents.agent.Agent` instance
of the agent for which we compute observations. Currently unused.
:rtype: gymnasium.spaces.Box
:return: A gym Box, whose ``low`` field indicates the minimum value
of each element of the observation vector. Similarly, the
``high`` field indicates the maximum value of each element, such
that each element *i* of the vector is contained between ``low[i]``
and ``high[i]``. The Box's shape is the number of fields.
nb_fields = len(cls.fields())
return Box(
low=np.asarray([0.0] * nb_fields),
high=np.asarray([1.0] * nb_fields),
# We use float64, as the (default) float32 raises a warning
# about the bounds' precision.
def __array__(self) -> np.ndarray:
Magic method that simplifies the translation into NumPy arrays.
This method should usually not be used directly; instead, it allows
using the well-known :py:func:`numpy.asarray` function to transform
an instance of Observation into a NumPy :py:class:`np.ndarray`.
Fields can be excluded by setting the metadata ``include`` custom
property to ``False``, such as:
``my_field: Any = field(metadata={'include': False})``.
The resulting array's values are guaranteed to be in the same order
as the Observation's fields, see :py:meth:`~.fields`.
# Using `[*values()]` seems more efficient than other methods
# e.g., `list(values())` or `values()` directly.
return np.array([*self.asdict().values()])
class Observation(BaseObservation, abc.ABC):
Represents a merged observation of both global and local metrics.
This class is only used for typing purposes; please see the
for the actual, dynamically-created, class.
def create(
global_obs: BaseObservation,
local_obs: BaseObservation
) -> 'Self':
def get_global_observation(self):
def get_local_observation(self):