Source code for smartgrid.rewards.numeric.differentiated.multi_objective_product

from smartgrid.util import interpolate
from smartgrid.rewards.numeric.differentiated.over_consumption import OverConsumption
from smartgrid.rewards.numeric.per_agent.comfort import Comfort
from smartgrid.rewards.reward import Reward

[docs] class MultiObjectiveProduct(Reward): """ Product of multiple objectives: *comfort*, and *over-consumption*. The reward is equal to ``comfort * overconsumption``, where ``comfort`` refers to the reward of :py:class:`.Comfort`, and ``overconsumption`` refers to the reward of :py:class:`.OverConsumption`. .. note:: The overconsumption is interpolated from ``[-1, 1]`` to ``[0, 1]`` to use the same range as the comfort, and avoid "semantic" problems, e.g., ``-0.9 * 0.1 = -0.09``, where ``-0.09`` is actually better than ``-0.9``, although both rewards were very low. """ name: str
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.comfort = Comfort() self.over_consumption = OverConsumption()
[docs] def calculate(self, world, agent): comfort = self.comfort.calculate(world, agent) oc = self.over_consumption.calculate(world, agent) # `oc` is in `[-1, 1]`, needs to be interpolated to `[0,1]`. oc = interpolate(oc, (-1, 1), (0, 1)) return comfort * oc