Source code for smartgrid.rewards.numeric.differentiated.multi_objective_sum

from smartgrid.rewards.numeric.differentiated.over_consumption import OverConsumption
from smartgrid.rewards.numeric.per_agent.comfort import Comfort
from smartgrid.rewards.reward import Reward

[docs] class MultiObjectiveSum(Reward): """ Weighted sum of multiple objectives: *comfort*, and *over-consumption*. The reward is equal to ``0.2 * comfort + 0.8 * overconsumption``, where ``comfort`` refers to the reward of :py:class:`.Comfort`, and ``overconsumption`` refers to the reward of :py:class:`.OverConsumption`. The coefficients (``0.2`` and ``0.8``) can be configured in the constructor. Note that, in this case, the sum of coefficients *should* be equal to ``1``, in order to have a weighted average, but this is not strictly mandatory. """ name: str
[docs] def __init__(self, coefficients=None): super().__init__() if coefficients is None: coefficients = { 'Comfort': 0.2, 'OverConsumption': 0.8 } self.coefficients = coefficients self.comfort = Comfort() self.over_consumption = OverConsumption()
[docs] def calculate(self, world, agent): comfort = self.coefficients['Comfort'] * self.comfort.calculate(world, agent) oc = self.coefficients['OverConsumption'] * self.over_consumption.calculate(world, agent) return comfort + oc