We recall that observations are split into two parts: global ones (that are shared by all agents) and local ones (that are specific and individual to each agent). In order to reduce the computational costs, this split also happens in the code, such that global observations can be computed only once each step (instead of once per agent). Thus, extending observations can be done in several parts of the architecture:
is responsible for computing the shared observations.LocalObservation
is responsible for computing the individual observations.ObservationManager
is the main entrypoint for all things related to observations, and is used by theSmartGrid
We detail how to extend each of these parts below.
Creating a completely new way to compute observations is easy: simply define
a new class (ideally a collections.namedtuple()
), and implement its
class method (not instance method!), as
well as reset()
For example, let us create a global observation class that only contains the
from collections import namedtuple
fields = ['hour']
class OnlyHourGlobalObservation(namedtuple('OnlyHourGlobalObservation', fields)):
def compute(cls, world):
hour = (world.current_step % 24) / 24
return cls(hour=hour)
def reset(cls):
It is a little bit trickier to retain the existing fields of the global observation, because of the way Python handles namedtuples. For another example, let us create new global observations that include the current day in addition to the existing fields.
from smartgrid.observation import GlobalObservation
from collections import namedtuple
# `GlobalObservation._fields` is a tuple, we cannot concatenate a list to it.
fields = ('day',) + GlobalObservation._fields
class GlobalObservationAndDay(namedtuple('GlobalObservationAndDay', fields)):
def compute(cls, world):
obs = GlobalObservation.compute(world)
# `obs` is an instance (tuple) of GlobalObservation that contains
# all the other fields we want.
# We need to compute `day` now.
day = world.current_step // 24
# Now, we need to combine `day` with the other fields. To avoid
# potential errors in the order of arguments, we will use keyworded
# arguments (transforming `obs` into a dict and using the `**` operator).
existing_fields = obs._asdict()
return cls(day=day, **existing_fields)
def reset(cls):
Local observations follow the same principle as global ones: a new class should be created. For example, let us create a new class that computes the difference between the agents’ comfort and the average of others’ comfort.
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
fields = ['comfort_diff']
class ComfortDiffLocalObservation(namedtuple('ComfortDiffLocalObservation', fields)):
def compute(cls, world, agent):
self_comfort = agent.comfort
others_comforts = [a.comfort for a in world.agents]
others_avg_comfort = np.mean(others_comforts)
diff = self_comfort - others_avg_comfort
return cls(comfort_diff=diff)
def reset(cls):
# In most cases, this method will not do anything.
# But it is provided, to allow for more complex local observations.
Finally, the new classes used for computing global and local observations
must be registered with the
so that they are used by the environment when observations must be computed.
This class already contains attributes for global and local observations; thus, in most cases, simply creating an instance with the correct parameters should suffice.
For example, assuming that we want to use our GlobalObservationAndDay
from smartgrid.observation import ObservationManager
# It is important to use the **type** here, not an instance of the class!
manager = ObservationManager(
Both global and local observations can be overriden at the same time, by specifying both arguments:
from smartgrid.observation import ObservationManager
manager = ObservationManager(
The resulting manager
must be specified to the
environment when
instantiating it:
from smartgrid import SmartGrid
env = SmartGrid(
world=..., # Left out as not relevant here
rewards=..., # Left out as well