Source code for algorithms.model

The base Model, an abstract class to provide a common (standard) API.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from smartgrid.environment import SmartGrid

[docs] class Model(ABC): """ A Model is a class that handles the decision-making. It must produce decisions (actions) for all agents in the environment. Using a single Model for all agents simplifies the use, e.g., it suffices to use ``model = SomeModel()`` and ``actions = model.forward(obs)``, instead of looping over all agents. However, it is not strictly necessary to use a ``Model`` in the interaction loop: for more complex cases, different models can be used together, or functions can be used directly to produce actions, etc. The goal of this class is to provide a standard API that other learning algorithms can follow, or at least take inspiration from, and to simplify the use of learning algorithms. """
[docs] def __init__(self, env: SmartGrid, hyper_parameters: dict): """ Create a Model, i.e., an entrypoint for the learning algorithm. :param env: The environment that the learning algorithm will interact with. This is useful for, e.g., accessing the agents' observations and actions spaces, knowing the number of agents, etc. Note that a :py:class:`~gymnasium.Wrapper` can also be used, such as a :py:class:`~smartgrid.wrappers.reward_aggregator.RewardAggregator`. :param hyper_parameters: An optional dictionary of hyper-parameters that control the creation of the learning agents. For example, the learning rate to use, etc. The hyper-parameters themselves are specific to the implemented Model. """ self.env = env self.hyper_parameters = hyper_parameters
[docs] @abstractmethod def forward(self, observations_per_agent): """ Decide which actions should be taken, based on observations. This method represents the *decision* step. :param observations_per_agent: The observations per agent. See the :py:meth:`SmartGrid._get_obs() <smartgrid.environment.SmartGrid._get_obs>` method for details on its structure. These observations describe the current state of the simulator, and are the data used to take actions. :return: The list of actions, one per agent, where an action is a list of *action parameters*. See the :py:attr:`SmartGrid.action_space <smartgrid.environment.SmartGrid.action_space>` for details on the structure of *action parameters*. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def backward(self, observations_per_agent, reward_per_agent): """ Learn (improve) the agents' policies, based on observations and rewards. This method represents the *learning* step. :param observations_per_agent: The observations per agent, similar to those in the :py:meth:`.forward` method. They describe the *new* situation that happened after the agents' actions were executed in the world. :param reward_per_agent: The rewards per agent. They describe the degree to which agents' actions were satisfying (interesting), with respect to the moral values encoded in the reward functions. If multiple reward functions are used, this is a list of dicts; otherwise, it is a dict of floats. See the :py:meth:`Smartgrid._get_reward() <smartgrid.environment.SmartGrid._get_reward>` for details """ pass